On Monday, Investing.com-EOS was down 10.39% for the day, trading at $1.1784 by 07:02 (12:02 GMT) on the Investing.com Index. Since December 9, it was the biggest percentage drop in a single day.
EOS’s market value dropped to $1.8339 billion, or 0.05% of the total market value of cryptocurrencies, as a result of the decline. EOS’s market capitalization peaked at $17.5290B.
EOS have fluctuated between $1.1780 and $1.3193 over the last 24 hours.
EOS’s value has increased during the last seven days, rising 9.11%. EOS’s trading volume in the 24 hours prior to this writing was $426.9497M, or 0.23% of all cryptocurrencies’ total volume. Over the last seven days, its price has fluctuated between $1.0543 and $1.5350.
As of right now, EOS has dropped 94.87% from its peak of $22.98 on April 29, 2018.
Other places to trade cryptocurrencies
On the Investing.com Index, Bitcoin was last trading at $98,077.2, down 1.63% for the day.
On the Investing.com Index, Ethereum was down 3.41% at $3,837.34.
The market capitalization of Ethereum was $463.4120B, or 13.02% of the entire market value of cryptocurrencies, while that of Bitcoin was recently at $1,939.9103B, or 54.50%.
Other places to trade cryptocurrencies
On the Investing.com Index, Bitcoin was recently at $8,647.2, down 5.08% for the day.
On the Investing.com Index, Ethereum was down 8.76% at $223.82.
The market capitalization of Ethereum was $24.8818 billion, or 0.00% of the entire market value of cryptocurrencies, while that of Bitcoin was $158.7219 billion, or 0.00%.
A bearish trade: what is it?
What Does Being Bearish Mean? A bear, or bearish, investor is one who thinks that prices will decline. A person may be pessimistic about individual stocks, the market overall, or particular industries. A person is considered bearish on ABC Corp. if they think the company’s stock will shortly decline.
What Does Being Bearish Mean?
A bear, or bearish, investor is one who thinks that prices will decline. A person may be pessimistic about individual stocks, the market overall, or particular industries. A person is considered bearish on ABC Corp. if they think the company’s stock will shortly decline. A bearish investor is one who anticipates a market-wide decline in stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, or alternative investments such as collectibles. This is due to their expectation of a long and severe decline.
A bear market occurs when the prices of assets in a major market index, such as the S&P 500, have been declining by at least 20% over an extended period of time. Unlike during a correction, when prices drop by 10% to 20%, this is not a brief fall. A bear market is a pattern that makes investors feel gloomy about how the financial markets will develop in the future. A bear market that persists for years is considered secular. The U.S. bear market that lasted the longest, from March 10, 1937, to April 28, 1942, lasted 61 months. The worst bear market, which lasted from September 3, 1929, to July 8, 1932, reduced the market’s value by 86%.
One could argue that the general attitude of investors
Investing Tips
To find out if an investment plan or decision is motivated by feelings or something more objective, think about speaking with a financial advisor. It need not be difficult to locate a competent financial counselor. With the help of SmartAsset’s free service, you may choose up to three local financial advisors and conduct free interviews with them to determine which one is best for you. Get started right away if you’re prepared to locate an advisor who can assist you in reaching your financial objectives.
Using a free investment calculator is one approach to manage your portfolio in a bull or bear market. With the use of such a technology, you can reduce the influence of emotion on your financial choices.